Saturday 23 January 2010



So here goes new style...The film stars Tom Hanks, and that is really the only actor of any note now. This is a seminal film for me, one that has lots of memories and I still love it. It is one of those films I start to watch and think, Oh no not this again, but then when I get into it I love it and thoroughly enjoy it.
It has some cinematic gold in this film, for instance Josh (Hanks) and his boss playing on a floor piano in the middle of a store for all the world to see. It is a piece of genius and is such a memorable scene. This film for me has it all, it's funny, heart-warming and shows one of the many brilliant acting sides of Tom Hanks. In our collection we have a set of Tom Hanks films, Laura bought it last year, and the first one in that set to come up will be Castaway, and I have to say watching a whole load of classic Tom Hanks films is something that I am thoroughly looking forward to.
The wit of the script is what carries this film and I utterly love it. If only there were more gems of this calibre that came out of the 80's.

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